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It’s quickly becoming well established that CBD can be used to positively help athletes. With sports professionals across a wide range of disciplines citing faster recovery times and decreased inflammation of painful muscles and joints it’s little wonder. With more studies being carried out and the benefits becoming more commonly known there’s a plethora of information on the subject. This section aims to give you the most up-to-date information possible on the world of sport and CBD.

Hemp Protein Vs Whey

Whey protein has been a go-to choice for people looking to up their protein intake with protein powder. However, increasingly, people are turning their attention to plant-based protein options. In particular, there has been huge interest in hemp protein powder. With that, you may be wondering when it comes to

CBD and Top Athletes – Why are they so connected?

Why are so many more athletes using CBD? Does it improve how they play their sports? Should the average person begin using CBD supplements? If so, what the best method of ingestion? These are just some of the questions and angles were going to be looking at today as we investigate...

Matt Barnes: Cannabis and Sports  

NBA player Matt Barnes  played professional basketball for 15 years and in 2017, won an NBA Championship playing for the Golden State Warriors. However, it wasnt until he retired and left the game that he really began to hit the headlines: for his admittance that hed been using medical marijuana...

CBD For Runners

Bruce Lee called running the king of exercises, and he had a point, it has been found that runners tend to live around 3 years longer than non-runners. Each hour of running translating into seven extra hours of life. How that for a pitch for running? Now that youre converted youll...

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