CBD Balm UK Information & Benefits

CBD balm is one of the most luxurious and soothing CBD products on the market, but how much do you know about it? Here is all you need to know, including its benefits, how to use it and whether it is legal.

What Is CBD Balm?

A CBD balm is a cannabidiol-infused ointment that is applied to the skin to soothe and hydrate. While also a topical, CBD balm is different to CBD cream as it is thicker and tends to sit on the skin, protecting it from environmental stressors.

Although cannabidiol is the main ingredient in CBD balm, it also contains other natural skin-loving ingredients, such as shea butter, coconut oil, and other botanicals, such as lavender.

What Does CBD Balm Do?

While CBD balm can be used for various purposes, it is frequently used to help promote relaxation and soothe stressed-out muscles and joints.

The cannabidiol in CBD balm does this by interacting with receptors in your endocannabinoid system (ECS) when applied topically. This is believed to help regulate how your skin and tissue function beneath the ointment.

Although research on CBD topicals such as cannabidiol balm is still in its early stages, numerous studies suggest that these balms may have the potential to help:

  • Soothe inflammation
  • Improve blood circulation
  • Relax your muscles and joints
  • Calm irritation
  • Reduce joint swelling
  • Promote muscle recovery
  • Ease muscle pain
  • Reduce muscle spasms
  • Warm up muscles before a workout
  • Promote relaxation

Despite not being a miracle cure, many people swear by using CBD balm to help with pain, discomfort and relaxation. That being said, research continues, and many more studies are needed for us to understand CBD fully.

What Is CBD Muscle Balm?

CBD balm and muscle balm are almost identical, except CBD muscle balm targets muscles. It is an ointment that combines CBD with soothing ingredients such as eucalyptus, peppermint and arnica, which may help relieve sore muscles.

CBD muscle balm works on specific areas of the body, particularly joints and muscles. Although the cannabidiol in the product is absorbed, it does not enter the bloodstream.

What Is CBD Lip Balm?

CBD lip balm is like a regular lip balm, except it is infused with CBD. Just like typical lip balm, CBD lip balm is designed to hydrate and heal damaged or chapped lips.

What’s the Difference Between Full-Spectrum & Broad-Spectrum CBD Balm?

Full-spectrum CBD balm contains almost all of the many cannabinoids and chemicals found in the cannabis plant, including THC. On the other hand, broad-spectrum CBD balm has all the same compounds as full-spectrum CBD except for THC.

Full-spectrum CBD is said to offer more benefits thanks to the entourage effect. This is the theory that suggests that by working together, all the compounds of the cannabis plant provide more benefits than if they are taken separately.

However, many people prefer broad-spectrum CBD as it doesn’t contain THC, which is the psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant. That being said, broad-spectrum CBD may not be as effective as full-spectrum, as THC is needed to experience the entourage effect.

Is Hemp Balm the Same as CBD?

Yes, hemp balm is the same as CBD balm, and the two terms can be used interchangeably.

Can You Use CBD Balm for Sleep?

Using CBD is a great way to relax before bed. Although studies are ongoing, evidence suggests that the soothing properties of CBD balm can help you enter a more relaxed state, which can help you fall asleep more easily.

To use CBD balm for sleep, simply massage some into the tense areas of your body, such as your shoulders, before bedtime. The CBD may help loosen any knots and relieve muscle tension.

While it is not a magical cure for insomnia, many people swear by using CBD balm before bed.

How to Use CBD Balm?

Applying CBD balm couldn’t be simpler. Just follow these steps:

  • Rub a small amount of balm on the affected area of your body
  • Reapply throughout the day 

It’s as simple as that. We also suggest showering before application if possible. After your shower, pat your skin dry and apply CBD balm as above or according to the product’s instructions. In this way, your skin will absorb more of the ointment, and the balm will be even more effective.

Always read instructions before using a CBD product.

Where to Rub CBD Balm for Anxiety?

Unlike when applying CBD balm to target pain and inflammation, there is no specific region to apply balm for anxiety. The best thing you can do is to focus on the areas you usually experience tension, such as your forehead, neck and shoulders and places where your skin is thinner, such as under your arms, for maximum absorption. 

Gently massage CBD balm into these areas. Remember to start slowly and gradually increase the dosage until you find what amount of CBD balm works for you.

How to Use CBD Balm for Headaches?

You can use CBD balm to help address headaches by gently massaging it into the affected area.

What Types of Pain Does CBD Balm Help With?

The CBD in cannabidiol balm interacts with cannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) in the skin, which forms part of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) and is in charge of many processes throughout the body, such as pain management.

Some studies and numerous anecdotal accounts suggest that, thanks to its pain-relieving and antiinflammatory properties, CBD can help with the following types of pain:

  • Headaches
  • Nerve pain
  • Arthritis
  • Joint pain
  • Pain from skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis
  • Muscle aches and pain

It’s important to remember that there has only been limited research. Before we can say with certainty that CBD can help treat any of these conditions, much more research is required.

How to Apply CBD Balms for Pain?

Using CBD balm for pain is relatively straightforward. Simply apply the balm directly to the skin over the area you are experiencing pain. 

To determine whether you are using the right amount of product, you must know how much CBD is in the balm. The higher the content of cannabidiol, the more chance you have of experiencing potential pain relief.

Once you find a balm with the desired CBD concentration, start using small amounts and gradually increase your dosage as your body gets used to the CBD.

Never apply CBD balm to damaged skin.

Does CBD Balm Relax Muscles?

CBD balm is made with soothing ingredients such as CBD oil, lavender, chamomile, menthol, arnica and eucalyptus to help promote muscle relaxation.

How Long Does CBD Balm Take To Work?

CBD balm gets to work almost immediately. You should start feeling relief within 15 – 20 minutes after applying the balm. However, more than one application may be needed for the best results.

Does CBD Balm Have Side Effects?

Not much is known about the potential side effects of using topical cannabidiol products. Most of the side effects related to CBD are associated with consumable products and include diarrhoea, dry mouth, mood changes and drowsiness. However, as topical CBD does not enter the bloodstream, it is unlikely that CBD balm will cause any side effects.

That being said, as a topical product, CBD balm may cause skin irritation in some people, depending on its ingredients. Always read the ingredients label to see if you are allergic to anything in the product, and speak to your doctor if you are still unsure.

It is vital that you do a patch test before using a product to see how your skin reacts.

Will CBD Balm Enter My Bloodstream?

CBD balm does not penetrate deep enough to enter the bloodstream, which means these ointments may not have as many potential benefits as other methods of taking CBD. However, CBD balms usually contain ingredients such as arnica that increase the balm’s efficacy, making it suitable for helping to address joint pain and stress, among other things. 

Can CBD Balm Make You Tired?

No CBD balm will not make you feel tired, although it can help you relax and fall asleep.

Will Using CBD Balm Result in a Positive Drug Test?

No, using CBD balm will not result in a positive drug test. Firstly, drug tests do not look for CBD. However, many people are scared that the trace amounts of THC in some topical CBD products will cause them to fail a drug test. But while drug tests do look for THC, the amount present in the CBD product you are using is so minute and is used topically, so it won’t enter the bloodstream. This means it can’t result in a positive drug result.

However, if you’d still prefer to use a salve that contains no THC, your best bet is a CBD isolate or broad-spectrum product.

Is CBD Balm Legal?

It is legal to buy and use CBD oil products such as CBD balm in the UK as long as they don’t contain more than 1 mg of THC. Any more than that makes the product illegal.

However, other regulations have to be adhered to, such as:

  • CBD may not be marketed as a cure or medication
  • CBD must be sourced from EU industrial hemp
  • CBD edibles must have Novel Foods authorisation

Although there are other restrictions, the above are the most important. 

When you purchase from CBD Village, you can be confident that all regulations are followed and that our products include only the best CBD and all-natural ingredients. Furthermore, all our products have undergone independent lab testing, with the results posted on our website, so you know exactly what you’re getting every time.

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